Everything's Bouquet

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Surviving Day 4

Popcorn Factory Large size three-way tin.  That is my survivor tip for today.  One arrived at our front door via UPS Yesterday.  It is my new strategy for keeping my children happy and snack fulfilled without me working in the kitchen or around food.  It was working fantastically until my creative cooking daughter decided to make yum yum bars tonight.  Oh the kitchen smells delicious right now.

Survival of the detox cleanse has been a little tougher today.  I feel great, but hungry and struggling with mental munchy syndrome.  The syndrome is making me a little grouchier also.  But I am determined.  Okay, as I typed that Peter just informed me the hot yum yum bars are done and taste like vanilla pudding...as he stuck one under my nose to observe.  I am still determined that no yum yum bars are gonna come between me and my Little Rose Jacket. NO! NO! NO!  As they say...nothing tastes as good as wearing the Little Rose Jacket Feels right?

My older children were out of school today due to a dangerous light snow dusting that we got overnight.  It is the south.  So there was no mound of snow gear to wash (thank goodness), but the temperatures are really chilly and so are my detox smoothies.  I cannot say enough that I really like the cold smoothies better in warmer weather.  Soon I will try one of the soup recipes in the book.  Even most of those are meant to be eaten cold however...sigh.

Day 4 recap:

Yes on all the basic goals! Yea!  I even started thinking about a little yoga, Zumba class, or adding some weight training soon.  Oh I forgot to say I was down 1 more pound to a total of 7 pounds so far.   I am hoping I wake up without the munchy syndrome tomorrow.  It makes for a slightly tougher, more frustrating, and grouchier day.  My family probably hopes I wake up without it too!